About Us

We, as Etik Research, are a full market research and consulting company which has been serving for all industries by applying divergent methodologies since 1997. In continuously developing markets of the world and Türkiye, we help our business partners understand their customers and take potential opportunities in the market by providing effective solutions for their needs and questions.

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Research Help

Our team offers expert research help to guide you through the complexities of gathering and analyzing data, ensuring your study is comprehensive and accurate.

Data Collect

Our team offers expert data collection services, systematically gathering relevant information to ensure a solid foundation for analysis and decision-making.


Data collection involves systematically gathering relevant information to provide a solid foundation for analysis and decision-making.


Qualitative Studios


Coverage Countries


Successful Projects


Years of Experience

We Offer Different Services To Improve Your Research

Concept Testing

Data Mining

International Studies

Customer Satisfaction Studies

Segmentation Research

Demographic Research

Usage & Attitude Studies


Our Services

We provide our business partners with both qualitative and quantitative solutions in Türkiye and worldwide, enabling them to accomplish their objectives with confidence.

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Keep up with Our Most Recent News And Reports.

28 FEB, 2024

Survey On Economic Perception

We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the economic perception in Türkiye. In this study, general economic perception, individual economic situation perception, future expectations, perceptions of the media and government, and opportunities for economic recovery were examined in detail.

14 Feb, 2024

Gaming and Streaming Viewing Habits Research Report, Türkiye, 2023

We examined the mobile and PC games preferred by players in Türkiye, their preferred devices, gaming histories, in-game spending habits, preferences for watching game broadcasts

13 MAY, 2019

ETİK Research Car Clinic Project, 2019

ETİK Research successfully completed Car Clinic project.

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Our References